Sunday, December 11, 2011

Video Games

This weekend my roommate brought home  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and our dorm suddenly became nothing but the sounds of guns and explosions and our crazy determination to "win stars" so we could move further in the game. I grew up with two brothers so video game shenanigans like this is nothing new to me, however I had never been sucked into a game like this before. Maybe it was the Coronas mixed in with the game play but I really really enjoyed playing this game. As far as the story goes it was something far different than what I had seen before. I've watched my younger brother play many different war games before, but none of them had ever taken place on american soil before. In one level of this game you are driving through an everyday american superb and there are Russian paratroopers falling out of the sky. It was really surreal to me to see this and I found it interesting that they challenged the norm of American wars always being on American soil.

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