Sunday, December 11, 2011

Asterios Polyp

Asterios Polyp is a graphic novel about professor of architecture in Ithaca New York. He is haunted by his still born identical twin, he goes through a bad marriage, and goes to the middle of nowhere to work as a mechanic after his apartment burned up because it got struck by lightning. His story is a sad but interesting and humorous one. During the discussion about the book today, it was brought up that more emphasis was put on the medium rather than the message. While the story was nothing new or revolutionary I still enjoyed it and the way the artist chose to illustrate what was it. I believe that the simple story complemented the elaborate use of illustration techniques that he used. He had different bubbles, type, and style of art for each character, and when the couple would get into a fight their specific artistic style would become more apparent and harsh. Overall I really enjoyed the novel; I found it really fun to read and will definitely do it again.

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